Rep. Kutz's Q & A with the PA Governor's Budget Office

Apr. 14, 2023 / Embed

Keeping young people in the Commonwealth is one of my priorities. With more residents, we resolve workforce issues, shortages of teachers, nurses, emergency first responders and more. I'm concerned that state-related universities driving up tuition, even with a 7% budget increase, will drive out prospective residents. Listen to my questions about this issue during a budget hearing with the Governor's Budget Office.

Rep. Kutz's Q & A with the PA Public Utility Commission

Apr. 14, 2023 / Embed

During a budget hearing with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC), Rep. Kutz discussed some of the railway crossing issues affecting the 87th District. Listen to him question the process to file complaints and talk about how railroad crossing delays can impact safety and commuter travel.

Six Billion in Fraudulent Payments

Apr. 13, 2023 / Embed

Pennsylvania's unemployment compensation system has sent out over $6 billion in fraudulent payments, and they've only recovered $200 million of that. We need to be going after the criminals who tried to cheat the system, meanwhile stifling job creators and small businesses who are the lifeblood of our economy.

Rep. Kutz Asks About Labor Force Participation

Apr. 13, 2023 / Embed

During a budget hearing with the Department of Community and Economic Development, Rep. Kutz asked about Pennsylvania’s lagging economic and labor force participation numbers compared to the national average, and offered solutions to help put Pennsylvania’s economy back on track.

Ensuring Businesses Are Not Unfairly Targeted

Apr. 12, 2023 / Embed

Rep. Kutz questions labor secretary about requested new enforcement officials to ensure businesses are not unfairly targeted.

Pennsylvania Is Facing a Mental Health Crisis

Apr. 11, 2023 / Embed

Pennsylvania is facing a mental health crisis. Cumberland and Perry counties are facing a $2.5 million shortfall for mental health services and rely on the Department of Human Services (DHS) to help bridge that gap. DHS makes up one-third of the state budget and has a specialized fund that can help bridge this gap. Unfortunately, DHS has used this fund with no legislative oversight to pick winners and losers in programs that it chooses to support. During this budget hearing, we called on DHS to use this fund to help Cumberland and Perry counties and others who are facing a shortfall by investing in services and staffing to ensure that every individual receives the help they so desperately need.

Medicaid for Assisted Living

Apr. 11, 2023 / Embed

Pennsylvania is one of six states that does not authorize Medicaid as a payer for assisted living services. During a budget committee hearing with the Department of Human Services, I asked if the department has a position on Medicaid being an authorized payer for assisted living residences, and for some data concerning the impact this could have on taxpayers.

Rep. Kutz Comments on PennDOT Budget Hearing

Mar. 30, 2023 / Embed

Many of Pennsylvania's roads and bridges are in a state of disrepair. The I-83 South Bridge that connects Cumberland and Dauphin counties is also in need of replacement. During a budget hearing with the Department of Transportation, the Secretary of Transportation confirmed that there is no plan to toll this bridge, and its eventual replacement will be funded by conventional means. This is great news for our local commuters, and I am looking forward to continued conversation about revitalizing roads and bridges so they're safe for everyone to travel.

Kutz on Bridge Tolling

Mar. 30, 2023 / Embed

This budget hearing with the Department of Transportation provided a great opportunity to discuss P3 Bridge Tolling and the I-83 South Bridge. Thankfully, tolling is off the table for this bridge, and PennDOT is exploring more traditional methods to update the I-83 South Bridge between Dauphin and Cumberland counties.

Rep. Kutz Comments on Body Camera Legislation

Mar. 30, 2023 / Embed

The Department of Corrections is requesting funding for technology to improve officer and community safety. Body cameras are a great way to provide transparency and accountability, and to ensure safer interactions between officers and those they encounter. I am the prime sponsor of a bill that would authorize parole agents to wear body cameras, which is not currently permitted under Pennsylvania law. I look forward to continued conversations about public safety and getting this initiative over the finish line.