Sep. 13, 2024

Capitol Report
The latest news from the State Capitol
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Seminar Helps Connect Local Organizations to Grant Funds

On Tuesday, I hosted a grant seminar for municipalities and non-profits in the 87th District. Presenters from an array of state agencies, as well as county and local economic development groups shared important information about how to better find and apply for grant funds.

By providing educational opportunities for our municipalities and non-profits, we can help them meet their goals and secure investments in the community. Projects funded by grants help to make our home a better and safer place to live, work and raise a family.

Thank you to everyone who attended and to all our presenters for sharing their time and expertise! Stay tuned to my website,, for information from the seminar.
Click here to view video.
Touring the Historic Junkin House

Last week, Sen. Greg Rothman (R-34) and I had the opportunity to visit the historic Junkin House in Silver Spring Township. This home was built in 1747 for Joseph Junkin, one of the first settlers in New Kingstown.

The Cumberland Valley Preservation Society is dedicated to preserving this landmark and undertook the effort to move the home 150 feet away from Locust Point Road for safety reasons.

Coffee for a Cause at Cracked Pot Coffee Shop

This week, I had the opportunity to tour Cracked Pot Coffee Shop in Mechanicsburg and learn more about what they do to support local foster youth. The café is an incredible non-profit that employs youth aging out of the foster care system, providing an important path to developing social and work skills. They also prioritize mental wellness by providing access to licensed therapists, housing, transportation, financial literacy and more.

To learn more about this amazing resource in our community, please click here.  

Mark Your Calendars for My Upcoming Events

Toast with Thomas

Understanding Human Trafficking Seminar

For questions, please call my office at 717-975-2235.
Hearing Highlights Solutions to Combat Stalking

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, stalking impacts one in three women and one in six men in the United States. The House Republican Policy Committee recently convened a hearing to raise awareness of the crime and identify legal blind spots that hinder law enforcement’s ability to intervene.

The hearing, titled “Protecting Victims: Solutions to Combat Stalking,” was held in Bucks County and featured testimony from local law enforcement officers, as well as a victim advocate and domestic violence survivor.

All expressed the need to ensure state law allows police and prosecutors to protect victims and intervene on their behalf, and make sure perpetrators are held accountable for their actions. Click here to watch the complete hearing.
Boating Facility Grant Program

The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) is seeking applications for the next round of Boating Facility Grants to help communities capitalize on the surge in new boating activity.

The Boating Facility Grant Program provides grants for planning, acquisition, development, expansion and rehabilitation of public boating facilities located on the waters of the Commonwealth. Funding requests require a 50% match.

The PFBC encourages townships, boroughs, and municipal and county governments to apply. Nonprofit groups, including land trusts, conservancies and watershed associations, are also eligible to apply. Private businesses and service clubs are not eligible for direct funding but are encouraged to partner with their local county or municipality.

The deadline to apply is Saturday, Nov. 30. More information is available here.
911 Text Service Available in All Counties

The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency is reminding citizens you can now text 911 in any county across the Commonwealth.

Texting 911 is as simple as texting a friend. Type 911 in the “to” field and explain what is happening in your text. Include your location.

Texting 911 is ideal if the person trying to report the emergency is deaf, hard of hearing or has a speech disability; is having an emergency and cannot talk on the phone; is in a situation in which it is not safe to call 911.

PEMA recommends calling if at all possible, as it provides background sounds and context clues to aid operators and emergency responders. But if you can’t call, texting is the next best thing.
Be Prepared!

September is National Preparedness Month (NPM), and this year the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is placing special focus on the importance of starting the conversation about disasters that could occur where you live or work.

Talking about potential emergencies can help everyone take the steps necessary to prepare, such as:  
  •   Creating a family emergency plan to stay connected in case of emergency.
  •   Familiarizing yourself with tips to navigate an evacuation.
  •   Building an emergency supplies kit in the event you need to survive on your own for several days.

Learn more about potential hazards and how to prepare for them at