Capitol Report
The latest news from the State Capitol
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Honoring Our Veterans
This Saturday, Nov. 11, we celebrate Veterans Day by remembering the sacrifices these men and women made on behalf of our citizens and people around the world.
Veterans Day, originally known as Armistice Day, first marked the one-year anniversary of the end of World War I, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month and sought to honor the veterans of the World War – the only world war to have occurred at that time. Armistice Day was declared a national holiday in 1938 to acknowledge world peace, and then was renamed Veterans Day in 1954 to celebrate the contributions of veterans of all wars.
I was honored to host an appreciation breakfast yesterday for the 87th District’s veterans, active-duty military personnel and their families. I had a great time chatting with everyone and enjoyed the opportunity to thank them personally for their service to our country.
For more about the history of Veterans Day, click here.
For more information about programs and benefits to support our veterans in Pennsylvania, visit the state Department of Military and Veterans Affairs here.
You’re Invited to My Upcoming Events
Pancake Breakfast
RSVPs are encouraged. Please call my office at 717-975-2235 or click here to let us know you’re coming to the Pancake Breakfast.
Holiday Open House
PennDOT Service Center Closures for Veterans Day
All PennDOT driver license and photo centers will be closed on Saturday, Nov. 11, in observance of Veterans Day. The Pittsburgh State Office and Harrisburg Riverfront Office Center also will close on Friday, Nov. 10. All other locations will follow their normal business hours.
During the closures, customers may still obtain a variety of driver and vehicle products and services, including all forms, publications and driver training manuals, through PennDOT's online Driver and Vehicle Services website.
Heating Assistance Program Now Open
Residents who struggle with their home heating bills can now apply for assistance from the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
LIHEAP is a federally funded program that helps individuals and families pay their heating bills through home heating energy assistance grants. It also provides crisis grants to help in the event of an emergency or if a resident is in danger of losing his or her heat due to broken equipment, lack of fuel or termination of utility service.
The income eligibility guidelines for LIHEAP are set at 150% of the federal poverty income level. For example, the income limit for an individual is $21,870 and for a family of four it is $45,000.
Residents may apply for LIHEAP online at compass.state.pa.us, by phone at 1-866-550-4355 or by contacting the County Assistance Office in their county of residence.
Click here for additional information. The program runs through April 5, 2024.
Oh, Say, Can You Sing?
The Pennsylvania Farm Show is a little more than two months away, and the Department of Agriculture is inviting Pennsylvania singers to enter “Oh, Say, Can You Sing?” a star-spangled sing-off to win a chance to sing live at the event.
Each morning, from Jan. 6-13, the Farm Show will start by featuring an individual or group singing the national anthem live. Top vote-getters may also be selected to sing at special events, such as the opening ceremony on Jan. 6.
The contest is open to Pennsylvania residents of all ages, both individuals and groups. For more information about how to enter, click here.