Kutz, Fleming Unveil, Announce Leadership of Bipartisan Future Caucus
March 27, 2023
HARRISBURG – Today, Reps. Thomas Kutz (R-Cumberland) and Justin Fleming (D-Dauphin) announced the establishment and their chairmanship of the new bipartisan Future Caucus.
“Pennsylvanians need forward-thinking legislators who are willing to work across the aisle and focus on results that will benefit the Commonwealth for generations to come. I’m thrilled to chair this caucus with Rep. Justin Fleming. He shares the belief that we the need to work together to find common ground in state government,” Kutz said. “The formation of the Future Caucus is a critical step toward setting differences aside to tackle the tough issues head on. I’m eager to get to work.”
“Before my election to the General Assembly, I spent 12 years advocating for mental health and
children where I worked with members of both parties to achieve legislative wins,” said
Fleming. “We have many big challenges facing Pennsylvanians including lack of affordable
housing, student loan debt, infrastructure investments and we need members of both parties to
work together and find solutions. I’m excited about the opportunity to join with my colleagues to
face these challenges in a bipartisan manner.”
The Future Caucus focuses on bringing together a bipartisan group of legislators aged 45 and younger to help foster a generational shift towards collaboration and bipartisanship. The Future Caucus is comprised of a bipartisan group of House members who share the desire to work in a bipartisan manner. Kutz and Fleming have also pledged to work pragmatically to build a culture of bipartisan cooperation and collaboration.
Representative Thomas Kutz
87th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Katelin Morrison
RepKutz.com / Facebook.com/RepKutz
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